Title: Director of Evangelization
Requirements: 2 years of experience in the job or 2 years of experience in pastoral ministry or related occupation.
Special Requirements: Any suitable combination of education, training and/or experience is acceptable.
Job Duties: Provides direction to evangelization efforts. Responsible for the renewal and formation of ministries within the parish, and outreach and welcome programs. Coordinates and serves as resource to ministries of outreach. Fosters growth in discipleship among the faithful. Develops a welcoming community, animate and equip parishioners to evangelize by witness, word, and action, and enhance communication within and beyond the parish community. Requires knowledge in Scripture, Catholic theology, and spirituality methods. Must be familiar with Church documents relating to evangelization. Evaluates programs to determine strengths, areas for improvement, and future needs. Responsible for program research and development (visioning and applying methods).
Wage range: $35,027/year to $50,000/year
CONTACT: Please send resume/contact Nerizza Manongdo for an appointment.
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Las Vegas
336 Cathedral Way
Las Vegas, NV 89109
Jobsite: Las Vegas, NV (Full-time position)