TITLE: Associate Director, Adventist Learning Community
REQUIREMENTS: Master’s Degree in Education or teaching related field and 6 months of experience as a Teacher Assessor required.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Extensive knowledge of principles, policies and beliefs of the North American Division, General Conference and the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Thorough acquaintance with and commitment to the Seventh-day Adventist message, mission and educational philosophy. Knowledge of church organization, policies and procedures. Ability to work constructively as part of a team and to lead out when necessary.
JOB DUTIES: Identify content experts, oversee and assist course design with content experts, assist in restructuring content for online delivery, manage multiple projects, manage media production for courses, and produce ministerial and educational content as needed. Incorporate educational technologies that promote effective instructional and leadership strategies. Identify continuing education and K-16 learning needs throughout Adventism and develop and facilitate solutions. Collaborate in a positive and uplifting way with Adventist Learning Community team and course content providers. Oversee and assist in course design with content providers. Follows course development from start to finish. Assist in the restructuring of content for online delivery. Receives, edits, and organizes all course material. Considers flow of course and learner experience. Ensures cohesive and engaging learning experience. Ensures proper branding of course. Identifies and assists in appropriate media development. Writes and assist others in writing video scripts and developing storyboards. Identify copyright violations with content providers. Prepares contracts for content providers and other course authors. Schedules video shoots with content providers. Produces media for content providers. Adhere to and review quality standards for course design and delivery. Develops educational frameworks to provide consistency and continuity throughout the Adventist Learning Community. Develops templates for course development based on the unique learning circumstances of web portal learners. Assists in developing and implementing marketing strategies for the Adventist Learning Community. Oversees and manage production and course developer assistants in the production of courses and resources. Seeks collaborative partnerships with Adventist entities in the North American Division and beyond. Develops instructional design materials that incorporate active learning, learning theories/instructional design models, and best practices in education. Consults and assist with the technical and programmatic development of assigned projects, including teaching and learning research and technologies. Participates in the continual evaluation of the effectiveness of curriculum design. Participates in ongoing information-based research and the monitoring of current and cutting-edge technologies and learning strategies for effective e-instruction.
TRAVEL DETAILS: Travel (up to 5 nights at a time) 7-12 times a year.
CONTACT: Mail resume to D. Toddy:
North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists,
9705 Patuxent Woods Drive,
Columbia, MD 21046
Jobsite: Columbia, MD (Full-Time Position)